What is 4-H?

About 4-H

4-H New Brunswick empowers young people with the skills to lead for a lifetime. 4-H is a not-for-profit organization that gives youth experiences that include a mentor, a hands-on project, and meaningful leadership opportunity.

4-H is one of Canada’s largest youth organizations. Our concept of Learn To Do by Doing has expanded from our rural roots to include an endless possibility of projects. 4-H New Brunswick provides members and leaders with learning experiences tailored to the needs and interests of each individual. All members develop leadership skills primarily through the completion of projects.

​We believe in nurturing responsible, caring and contributing leaders who are committed to positively impacting their communities.

4-H Canada - Where the magic happens

The Canadian 4-H Council began in 1913 to oversee 4-H in Canada. We do this through national marketing campaigns, our national magazine, and through our national programs. Youth have the opportunity to expand their 4-H experience through national and international conferences, exchanges, scholarships and grants. We focus on two main areas – making sure 4-H members have exciting opportunities available to them, and building a strong 4-H across Canada.

Here’s how we do it:

  • Through national public relations initiatives
  • Sharing communication and information between the provincial 4-H programs
  • Developing recruitment and other resource materials
  • The National 4-H Supply Service, a mail order catalogue featuring 4-H promotional items

The Council is a not-for-profit, non-governmental agency governed by a group of individuals representing our sponsoring organizations. An elected Board of Directors governs the Council.

Why 4-H?

In 4-H, there is so much to experience, so much to learn, and so much to do. If you can think of it, there is probably a 4-H Club in Canada that is doing it.

So you’re probably wondering what the four “H”s in 4-H stand for? Well, in 4-H, we pledge our Head, Heart, Hands and Health to our club, community, our country, and our world. Best of all, we do it by having fun!

​We’ve been around a long time, over 100 years. Since 1913, 4-H has given youth opportunities to learn new things through a dedicated group of volunteer leaders. 4-H youth learn the skills needed to contribute to making this a better world. Many of them go on to become leaders in their communities.