New Brunswick Provincial Show 2022

November 21, 2022by Ally McConchie

From August 30-September 1st, 2022, around 100 4-H members brought their projects to Sussex to participate in the Annual N.B. 4-H Provincial Show.

Tuesday evening, all livestock and non-livestock projects arrived. Members got to work decorating their stall areas for the annual barn competition. The night concluded with a pizza and cake social. On Wednesday morning, members started the day with the judging competition. We had six projects for members to judge including light horse, beef, dairy, forage, foods, and crafts. We had a special class of items just for the Cloverbud members to judge.

Following the judging competition, members and leaders got lined up for the banner parade to start the official opening of the 2022 Annual Provincial Show. We had 14 clubs come participate. After the opening ceremonies, we jumped right into the show with our beef and goats kicking off the livestock portion of the show. Light horse and draft horse followed the beef and goats.

Around 4pm, Melanie and Mario Bourque ran a woodsmen competition for the members. They had a kettle boil, pulp pits, crosscut, and a Cloverbud relay.  The members really enjoyed this and are already looking forward to doing it again next year!

Southern District cooked everyone a wonderful corn boil/BBQ meal that was enjoyed by all. After supper, the sheep members dressed up their sheep for the costume contest. There were some fantastic costumes that the members put a lot of work into.

To end the night, members came back to the arena to participate in some awesome games, including a Farmer’s Olympics.

On Thursday, the remaining livestock entered the arena. We finished with the dairy, sheep and canine show. Following the dairy show, members gathered in the grandstands for the closing ceremonies. All members did an amazing job. We are excited to get planning for our 2023 show!

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