Become a Member

By joining 4-H, members have the opportunity to meet new friends, develop self-confidence, earn scholarships, travel, as well as gain leadership, teamwork and decision-making abilities. And the best part, everyone is always welcome! If you are between six and 21 years of age, are interested in learning new skills and love to work on cool projects, then 4-H is definitely the place for you.

If you have been in touch with a club and are ready to register, please follow the link here: 4-H Registrations | 4-H Registrations (

If you have not connected with a club and are looking to find out more about getting registered, please email us at


4-H Members are grouped into these age categories (as of January 1st of the program year):

  • Cloverbud – ages 6 to 8
  • Junior – ages 9 to 11
  • Intermediate – ages 12 to 14
  • Senior – ages 15 to 21

4-H members choose one or more projects to work on throughout the year. From the popular beef, dairy and horse projects, to gardening and sewing, there is a project for everyone!

4-H is a club-based program. There are clubs all over New Brunswick. If there is not a club in your community, you can start your own with just six members and two leaders! Please contact the provincial office at (506) 324-6244 to find a club in your community or for more information on starting a club in your community!

​* Please note: The 4-H year runs from September 1 to August 31 each year. The fall is when clubs are welcoming new members. 

To become a member, you must be willing to participate in all areas of 4-H. By joining a club, you are committing to completing a project and attending club meetings and events. Members must attend 70% of club and project meetings and complete all their project requirements.

While some projects are different than others, the general standard is that members must complete at least 4 months of records on their project, attend 70% of meetings, participate in communications (public speaking is not mandatory, however, many clubs do make it mandatory as some form of communications is required to achieve), participate in judging, participate in a community service, and participate in Achievement Day.

If you are interested in joining a club, you can contact NB 4-H to find a club nearest to you. When contacting, please provide the age of the interested member and the location you are in.

Members have to be between the ages of 6-21 as of January 1st.